toc: true comments: false layout: post title: HW Table description: HW grades type: hacks courses: { csp: {week: 16} } —

  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits    
The Internet 0.85/1 Ryan L. I completed popcorn hacks and finished all extras that I could complete. HW. Link to with lesson and homework    
Routing and Computing 1/1 Sri S. I did the Hw and used the code examples to help uses as a reference to my answers Link to with lesson and homework    
Beneficial and Harmful Effects .95/1 (My team presented) Me I made this so for my part I reaserched many effects social media has and I tried to get multiple view points. Link to with lesson and homework, Link to GitHub comment with self-grading    
Digital Divide 0.97/1 Sai T. I did the popcorn hacks as well as used the info to answer the hw. Link to with lesson and homework    
Computing Bias 0.93/1 Tanvi P. Completed hw on my own time as well as did the popcorn hacks during teach Link to with lesson and homework    
Crowdsourcing 0.85/1 Grace O. I did all the homework and used google to get more info whenever I was confused Link to with lesson and homework    
Legal and Ethical Concerns 0.92/1 Cindy L. I did the popcorn hacks and also tried to use my teamates for help whenever I was concerned. Link to with lesson and homework    
Safe Computing 0.88/1 Aashray completed the popcorn hacks and honmework as well as used google to help gain info. Link to with lesson and homework    
CB Quiz 62/67 = College Board I used google and my teamates whenever I needed extra help to understand the problem. Link to blog post reviewing CollegeBoard MC Quiz, [Link to blog post reviewing Collegeboard FRQ Quiz]    
Totals Median Score: 0.92/1 Number Complete: All Extra Effort Count: All Key Tangible Assets Count: 9/9