from flask import Flask, request, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

# Initialize an empty dictionary to store user data
user_data = {}

@app.route('/api/saveUserData', methods=['POST'])
def save_user_data():
    data = request.json

    # Ensure the "username" key is in the data
    if 'username' not in data:
        return jsonify({"error": "Username is required."}), 400

    username = data['username']

    # Store user data in the dictionary
    user_data[username] = data

    return jsonify({"message": "Data saved successfully"})

if __name__ == '__main__':
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from flask_restful import Api, Resource # used for REST API building
import requests  # used for testing 
import random

calcalc_api = __name__ ('calcalc_api', __name__,

api = Api(calcalc_api)

app = Flask(__name__)

def calculateCalories(user_data):
    age = user_data['age']
    weight = user_data['weight']
    height = user_data['height']
    activity = user_data['activity']
    gender = user_data['gender']

    # Define activity level multipliers
    activity_levels = {
        'sedentary': 1.2,
        'lightly_active': 1.375,
        'moderately_active': 1.55,
        'very_active': 1.725

    # Example calorie calculation (Harris-Benedict equation)
    if gender == 'male':
        calorie_maintenance = (88.362 + 13.397 * weight + 4.799 * height - 5.677 * age) * activity_levels[activity]
        calorie_maintenance = (447.593 + 9.247 * weight + 3.098 * height - 4.330 * age) * activity_levels[activity]

    return calorie_maintenance
  • It imports the library for the api at the top
  • Creates an empyt dictionairy to store the user data.
  • It requires a username and if you don’t give one it says username is required and if it is there then it assigns it to the user
  • It stores all the users data in the dictionary
  • if statement ensures the flask server runs the script

  • Creates the API
  • It defines all the users variables as data
  • It calculates calorie maintnence to input it into the data base.
  • It does the calculations and stores it as the variable “calorie maintnence”